Pubcast - Quantum Cryptography Pubcast
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
While we are still some way from every day practical implementations of QC, it is still very much a technology any discerning information security profession should have their eye on. With developments happening thick and fast due to todays ever increasing requirements not only in the security realm but in day to day life a change on the Quantum Computing front could happen overnight and completely change the threat land scape. QC doesn't offer a silver bullet to solve problems but it is by no means something you should shelve just yet.

We live in exciting times where that which was once the sole domain of theoretical physics is now not only a reality, but is intruding into the space of information security. With the advances in quantum computing threatening to make all current encryption schemes obsolete by factorising large numbers in non-linear, quantum time, we are in desperate need of a saviour technology to ensure privacy. In this, our first technical segment, we take a critical look at what quantum cryptography is, how it is being used currently, what problems it will solve and what problems it will not solve. We attempt to demystify this seemingly fictional technology and approach the topic objectively. Quantum encryption, after all, is still very new and still developing, so it is not possible to predict what will come of it, but whatever the future may hold, will undoubtedly be fascinating.

Pubcast Episode 19 (Full)
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Pubcast Episode 19 (Part 1)

Pubcast Episode 19 (Part 2)

Pubcast Episode 19 (Part 3)

Pubcast Episode 19 (Part 4)